The Ultimate Conspiracy Theory – August 27, 2023

Psalm 33:1-12, I Corinthians 15:1-22
August 27, 2023

Several weeks ago, I was talking with a friend, and somehow we got on the subject of the space program.  Well, the conversation didn’t go very far before he stated (emphatically!) that Americans never landed on the moon.  It was all faked, and indeed it would soon be the Chinese who would be there first.

Well, if you know me – if you know what a “space nut” I am – you know he picked the wrong guy to have this conversation with!  I won’t get into all the particulars of the “debate,” (I don’t want to bore you to tears!) but the upshot of it was that he left still believing the same thing.  And such is often the nature of conspiracy theories!  People who have them have often already decided what’s true, and there’s no changing their minds!

As I’m sure you’re aware, there are any number of conspiracy theories going around at any given time these days.  There are theories about a government cover-up of alien landings, theories about the Kennedy assassination, (which really was a conspiracy!)  There are lots of theories about Covid 19, as well as theories about a global government and a New World Order.  There’s even a staunch belief by some people that the earth is flat, and scientists have been misleading people for centuries!  (Actually, I kind of like that one!  It’s so deliciously clueless!)

Well, the idea of conspiracy theories came to mind for me this week when I read further in this book of I Corinthians.  Because here in chapter 15, Paul was addressing the question of the resurrection of the dead.  And in doing so he was also dealing with the resurrection of Jesus, and what I’m calling today “The Ultimate Conspiracy Theory.”

And keep in mind here that this was all new to these people.  They were just beginning to hear about this new faith, centered around this new rabbi, Jesus.  And they were being told that he was crucified, and then he rose from the dead!

So, at first, it was not so much a conspiracy theory about the resurrection, as it was simply a very difficult thing for people to believe.  If you remember, even the disciples didn’t believe it – at least not at first.  They thought the women who came from the tomb Easter morning were telling them a “fairy tale.”  And for some, it’s been hard to believe ever since.  And over the years, there have been any number of “explanations” – “conspiracy theories” about the “seeming” resurrection of Jesus.

One of those theories is actually found in the Bible.  The theory was that disciples came on Easter morning and stole the body of Jesus, and then claimed he rose from the dead.  That’s what the Jewish leaders said at the end of Matthew’s Gospel.  That’s what they were afraid would happen.  That’s why they insisted on a guard at the tomb!  Afterwards, they paid those soldiers to say, “His disciples came and stole his body while we were asleep.” (Matthew 28:13)  And then they told them, “We will keep you out of trouble.” (Matthew 28:14)  That was big!  Because the penalty for failing their assignment to stand guard was that they would be put to death!  That was Roman law.  And it was especially true when the tomb was sealed with a Roman seal!  But, as Matthew tells us, “That story has spread among the Jews to this day.”  “This day” meaning Matthew’s time.  That was the “conspiracy theory” then!  The disciples stole the body!

There’s been another “theory” about Jesus’ resurrection.  This one didn’t develop until later, but it seems to crop up from time to time throughout history.  It was the “theory” that Jesus didn’t actually die on the cross.  He passed out from the pain.  He was unconscious from his injuries.  But then he “came to” – he woke up in the tomb.  Of course to that story you have to add that he rolled aside the stone – either with nail pierced hands, or by pushing it away with his horribly injured back.  And he didn’t just push it aside!  The Gospel writers describe the stone on Easter as being “flung aside” – “separated by a distance.”  But assuming he did that, he then overpowered the guards at the tomb – who said nothing about any such struggle, and then he walked, (or ran) to Galilee on nail pierced feet.

As I said, that theory didn’t develop until later.  And I think one of the reasons is how preposterous it would have sounded early on.  Because those who were there at the time of Jesus’ crucifixion knew about the Romans!  They knew they were very thorough in their executions.  They made sure the condemned person was dead!  The Gospel writers describe them spearing Jesus’ in the side, to make sure that was the case.  And the description of that is irrefutable evidence that Jesus was indeed dead!  But that theory pops up (it’s resurrected!) from time to time.  And some people swear by it!

And there were other theories.  There was even one theory that said the disciples simply went to the wrong tomb on Easter morning.  That’s even sillier, because that assumes that everybody went to the wrong tomb! – the Jews, the Romans, everybody – even Joseph who owned the tomb!  And of course it ignores the question, why didn’t anybody find the right tomb?  If they had, the whole “resurrection thing” would have ended right there!  If they produced the body of Jesus, Christianity would have been stopped in its tracks!

The conspiracy theories about the resurrection just don’t add up.  The other thing I want us to think about today is that there seems to be a bit of a Pharisee/Sadducee thing going on here.  Paul was not just talking to the Corinthians about Jesus’ resurrection.  He was also talking about resurrection in general.   And that was a point of contention between the Pharisees and the Sadducees.  The Sadducees did not believe in any kind of resurrection after death.  They didn’t have a very great view of the afterlife.  When the body died, the soul went to be with God, but there was no resurrected, eternal body of any kind.

The Pharisees, on the other hand – of which Paul was one – did believe in a resurrection of the dead in the afterlife.  And we’re in their camp, by the way.  We say we believe “in the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.”

So Paul was talking about that resurrection, too.  And he puts these two things together in this passage.  He asked, “If Christ is preached as raised from the dead, how can some of you say there is no resurrection of the dead?” (I Corinthians 15:12)  That was important to Paul.  And he often told people about our being “resurrected with Christ.”

But even more than that, he makes the resurrection of Jesus central to the whole Christian faith.  He went on to say, “If there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised.”  That’s logical, according to Paul.  He saw those two things going together.  And then he gives us this statement, which has become so important to the Christian faith throughout the centuries.  “If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain, and your faith is in vain!”

The Resurrection of Jesus is the one part of the faith, the one doctrine, upon which Christianity rises or falls.  There are a lot of doctrines and beliefs in the faith that we can debate with our Christian brothers and sisters.  But not the resurrection!  It is what makes us who we are!

That’s one more reason the “conspiracy theory” doesn’t hold.  There is no Christianity without the resurrection.  And it could be said that 2,000 years of people being committed to the risen Christ is a strong proof for the resurrection!

Think about the moon landing.  If it were really a hoax, could all of the hundreds of millions of people who made it happen be expected to keep that secret?  Well, the supposed “hoax” of Jesus resurrection is much bigger than that!  It wasn’t just decades of deceit, and millions of people.  It’s centuries, and it’s billions of people!  And if Jesus was not raised, could all of those witnesses – especially the apostles who were martyred for their faith – could they all be expected to keep such a secret. Wouldn’t someone have said, “Wait!  No!  We faked it!  We stole the body!”

No!  The Resurrection is no “theory!”  It is fact!  The Lord is risen, and will we be raised with him.  But, you know conspiracy theorists…  They will hang on to their theories no matter what!

So what do we do?  Well, the most important thing is to know this ourselves.  And I hope I’ve helped you with that today!  We need to be sure of the resurrection, and we need to know that we are crucified with Christ, and we shall be raised with him to new life!  And then we strive to live that life while we’re here on earth!  (A round earth, by the way!)  Living that life more compelling than trying to prove something that some people are going to refuse to believe anyway.  Instead, let us concentrate on being people who live the life of our risen Lord, loving others, and showing the hope and joy of the kingdom of God!

That’s what the risen Christ calls us to do!


Eternal God, help us to know that we have been crucified with Christ and raised with him to new life.  Help us so to live the joy of his kingdom, that others will come to know of your love and Grace.  For your glory, and in your name we pray, Amen.